So day one. Yesterday started well doing a little collage work to warm up with. I tend to do collage when I feel I need to refresh my creativity - to stop taking the painting for granted and to look at things differently.
So a couple of hours of that followed by a walk round the top with my dog Albert. The sun was shining which was sheer contrast to when I arrived on Sunday. A quick trip into to town for supplies and then onto and into the painting.
A predictable slow start while the coffee kicked in but plenty achieved. Day one is all warming up and trying not to get too angry when things aren't working instantly. Day two is always better and I'll be going in shortly. Wish me luck.
I'll post a few bits and pieces of work over the week but in the meantime here is the set up.
downstairs bedroom/office now studio (note the
use use of plastic to protect the furniture from blood,
sweat and tears)