I finished painting for the week late last night. Probably when you were all tucked up with your malty drinks. I do have another thirty or so hours here but I need time for it all to dry enough to transport back home. I'll do some more collage work today and I have to practice clay model for a couple of the art workshops I'm hosting over the summer. I may even go for a really decent walk this afternoon if the weather holds. There may even be a pub or two at the end of it.
I've put a few pictures up for your scrutiny below. None are finished pieces. It's mostly groundwork at the moment - I'll add the next layer and maybe some finer details in a few days when this layer is dry. And they may of course change completely.
collage in action
the one about a traditional folk dance that gets out of hand
the one about an alpine village experiencing an incident
the one about a disco on a cruise ship
the one about secret swimming and sirens
the one about the lido
the one about a jam jar with some flowers in it