Saturday, 26 March 2011

March Update / VZ Gallery

Apologies for my lack of updates. A massive house rebuild and the birth of Ivor our second child have slightly taken over. The house is nearly finished and so am I. Sleepless nights, endless decorating etc.

So to keep you in the loop...
It is in only a month's time that I will be having my first exhibition with my new gallery. It's a solo show commencing 26th April at the VZ Gallery on Cheshire Street, just off Brick Lane in London. More news to follow on that soon.
Before that they're taking me to Chelsea Art Fair (1-4 April). I've not been involved at this fair before so I've no idea what to expect. I'm just glad that a gallery is keen to take me on and do all the promotion and selling themselves. I sometimes forget that this is their role. They're new, young and Russian. Very exciting. I couldn't be busier with other projects outside of art so for my paintings to start working for themselves is a big bonus. I have promised a new body of work for September so I need to get back in the groove soon.
I've also signed with an agency too. Art Acumen. So I'll look forward to seeing what they put my way in due course.

More to follow soon. And if you need tickets for Chelsea please contact myself or the VZ Gallery.

Best wishes
